Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How to Delete Photos from a Collection in Lightroom

Ever run into that issue, where you flag photos in a collection, and hit "delete rejected photos". Only to find them still in your catalog? Maybe you looked around online for a solution, and thought you found one by selecting them and hitting control-alt-shit-delete. But, they are actually only removed from your catalog, they're still on your disk. So, in order to permanently delete them (once you empty your trash). You have to do this.

1. Flag photos in a collection as Rejected (optional)
2. Filter for Rejected photos
3. Select All
4. Set a unused color label (ex. Purple)
5. Go to your Catalog
6. Filter for Purple
7. Select All
8. Hit Delete or go to Delete from your menu, it will prompt if you want to Delete or Remove. Click on Delete to have them go to your trash bin.

Hope that helps!